Poets & Critics & Poet-Critics

By M. L. Rosenthal

From Zero to the Absolute, by Reed Whittemore

By M. L. Rosenthal

The Poetry of Hart Crane: A Critical Study, by R. W. B. Lewis

By M. L. Rosenthal

Forms of Discovery, by Yvor Winters

By M. L. Rosenthal

Defending Ancient Springs, by Kathleen Raine

By M. L. Rosenthal

A New Canon of English Poetry (Ed. by James Reeves and Martin Seymour-Smith)

By M. L. Rosenthal

Two Centuries of Russian Verse (Ed. by Avrahm Yarmolinsky and Babette Deutsch)

By M. L. Rosenthal

Modern Russian Poetry (Ed. by Vladimir Markov and Merrill Sparks)

By M. L. Rosenthal

The Odyssey of Homer (Tr. by Richmond Lattimore)

By M. L. Rosenthal

Collected Poems 1924-1955, by George Seferis (Tr. by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard)

By M. L. Rosenthal

The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore

By M. L. Rosenthal

Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957, by W. H. Auden

By M. L. Rosenthal

The Cities, by Paul Blackburn

By M. L. Rosenthal

Prepositions: The Collected Critical Essays, by Louis Zukofsky

By M. L. Rosenthal

The Play and Place of Criticism, by Murray Krieger

By M. L. Rosenthal

[J. V. Cunningham, Edwin Muir, David Gascoyne]

By M. L. Rosenthal

Poets & Critics & Poet-Critics

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (May 1969)

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