Poets at Novels

By Robert S. Sward

The Sky Changes, by Gilbert Sorrentino

By Robert S. Sward

Three, by Ann Quin

By Robert S. Sward

You Didn't Even Try, by Philip Whalen

By Robert S. Sward

Elizabeth Newt, by Harold Fleming

By Robert S. Sward

Six Metaphysical Poets: A Reader's Guide, by George Williamson

By Ernest Sandeen

The Poetry of Vision, by Patricia Meyer Spacks

By Ernest Sandeen

Dryden's Poetry, by Earl Miner

By Ernest Sandeen

Poetry and Prayer, by William T. Noon

By Ernest Sandeen

The Play and Place of Criticism, by Murray Krieger

By Ernest Sandeen

A Primer of Ignorance, by R. P. Blackmur (Ed. by Joseph Frank)

By Ernest Sandeen

Recent Criticism

By Ernest Sandeen

Poets at Novels

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (August 1968)

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