The Penny Fiddle: Poems for Children, by Robert Graves

The Wind and the Rain: An Anthology of Poems for Young People (Ed. by John Hollander and Harold Bloom)

The Man Who Sang the Sillies, by John Ciardi

Poems for Children

Five Poets

By Harvey Curtis Webster

The Looking Glass, by Isabella Gardner

By Harvey Curtis Webster

Children and Older Strangers, by Ernest Sandeen

By Harvey Curtis Webster

Cloud, Stone, Sun, Vine, by May Sarton

By Harvey Curtis Webster

Journey to a Known Place, by Hayden Carruth

By Harvey Curtis Webster

Poems from a Cage, by Dilys Laing

By Harvey Curtis Webster

The Penny Fiddle: Poems for Children, by Robert Graves

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (December 1962)

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