Charades and Celebrations, by Constance Urdang

By Raymond Roseliep

Tree, Lake, Moon: And Man

By Raymond Roseliep

The Greening Tree, by Ray Smith

By Raymond Roseliep

A View of Water, by Gene Baro

By Raymond Roseliep

Survivals, by Edwin Honig

By Penelope Weiss

Lines to the South and Other Poems, by John William Corrington

By Penelope Weiss

The Race with Time and the Devil, by Paul Petrie

By Penelope Weiss

Three Poets

By Penelope Weiss

Charades and Celebrations, by Constance Urdang

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (April 1966)

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