Interpreter's House, by William Dickey

The African Boy, by E. N. Sargent

My Bones Being Wiser, by Vassar Miller

Between Matter and Principle, by Alan Stephens

Terminations, Revelations

At the End of the Open Road, by Louis Simpson

Breathing of First Things, by Hy Sobiloff

By John Woods

Sand Verbena, by Suzanne Gross

By John Woods

Blood and Milk Poems, by Ruth Whitman

By John Woods

Glad and Sorry Seasons, by Leonard E. Nathan

By John Woods

Manhattan Pastures, by Sandra Hochman

By John Woods

Absent and Present, by Chester Kallman

By John Woods

Six Poets

By John Woods

Interpreter's House, by William Dickey

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (May 1964)

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