
No other song
                    or swoop (part
       quiver, part swivel and
             plash) with
  tour de force
stray the course note
   (its new,
bawdy air an
       aria hangs in) en-
             trills, loops, soars,
                    startles, out-warbles,
out-brawns, more
                    lifts up
the dawn, outlaws from
                        sackcloth, the cool
     sloth of bed sheets,
                             from pillows
           and silks
                and blue-quilted, feminine
bolsters, fusses
                      of coverlets;
                                   nips as the switch
of a juvenile willow, fuzz
               of a nettle, to
       window and window
                           and window and ever
                   toward egress, to
           flurry, pollen
and petal shed,
                            to wet street
  and wet pavement,
              all sentiment intemperate,
  all sentience

Source: Poetry (November 2012)