
 — We seen his mama she dry and scant

By hook or by bent
I guttle the rudimental stories.

I’m all in-scoop
suck and swallow by dint of birth. Of shape.

— Were you hallow-nursed on riversource
upon a time (or ‘the rocky breasts forever’) I was not.

I learned to lie in want
for succor-food; for forms; I lunged I gulped for what I got.

Nowadays to need
to come by what comes by here comes natural and needs no bait.

Just steep dead-still as a blacksnake
creek and wait.

                        [my chokesome weeds, my crook, my lack, my epiphytes, my cypress knees    ...    ]

This old appetite as chronic as tides — 
on foot or by boat by night (please) come slake me with radicle stories.


This is the first published version of the poem, as it appeared in Poetry magazine in 2017. The poem has since been significantly revised; the revised definitive version can be found in Atsuro Riley's collection Heard-Hoard (2021).

Source: Poetry (September 2017)