André-Marie Ampère 1775–1836
By Cole Swensen
electrically rowed Rousseau from a wide green meadow
into his brain
along with Buffon and Diderot
and the entire Enlightenment embroidered
in fractions, thus confusing
poetry and mathematics. He stood back
and declared:
An umbrella could envelope
a good part
of the village of Poleymieux en route to reviving the library
and why
did my wife die so young?
Wrote out the psalms on his palm in the
electrodynamic molecules of his time
which he carried next to his heart
in a heart-shaped box
by Ørsted’s magnetized needle, leaping
full-grown and fully armed
into the periodic table. Noble metals
isolated and at war
put each order in order
and was the first to define
electric current as a circulation
gazing out over the Mediterranean until it dies.
Source: Poetry (September 2017)