
I was waiting to try out one of my inventions
from the flattop garage roof — parachutes this time — 
when I tasted a black cherry from the next yard, wondering even at that age
who had prior rights and what was constitutional
so instead of  jumping I wrote a brief brief
called Yaakov vs. the Tree Trunk
where everyone laughed herself crazy
at Marlboro vs. Madison
or Red Stain vs. the State of New Jersey
so bless me you fools
for aren’t you mortals?
And don’t you bend your body down
over the water to taste the ice?
And who, in your family,
even ever just thought of
swallowing a goldfish from the bowl,
say, picking up its slippery body,
bending your neck back and gulping it down
even before they entered law school?

Source: Poetry (October 2017)