Lousy with unfuckedness, I dream

each  night  I  count  ghostlets  of  how  my  body  was
wanted  /  behind with deadheading  /  rose hips have
come  /  behind with actions that count only  /  when
the  timing  is  right  /  I  took out  a contract  /  it was
imprudent  in  value  /  behind  with  asepsis  /  hello
microbes  of  my  body  /  we   sleep  together  /  hello
cats  /  I  make  my  bed  daily  /  of the three types of
hair on the sheets  /  only one is human  /  I count the
bedrooms  /  I never had sex in  /  but there were cars
 /   wild    woods   /   blackfly    has    got   to   all   the
nasturtiums  /  you cannot dig  up  a grapevine  /  and
expect shelter to come  /  I am touched by  your letter
/  writes  a  friend  /   you  prevaricate  desire   /   says
message  /  all  this  fucking  / with  no  hands  on  me
Source: Poetry (January 2018)