Necklaced Whalebone
As I toss & roll
these bones
at the 2nd, 3rd & 4th vertebra
the curvity of my neck
where something
of a winged fused
bowed & fossilized
merged kink-bended
wrongly & fused bowed
& fossilized then merged
bended slouched in a
hunchbacked crooked
pain into a pinged
pang where needles
& cracks at my side-to-side
forced hanging sluiced
movement of ivory
scalloped cervixes at the
nape & snaps snaps
I rebound at the fear
& instinctively quake
with vanquished surrender
in numbness & wake then
mumble you’re part of me
now leave & it slaps its tale
then a V formation following
& decelerates the sea waved
source of vigor 110 years old.
Source: Poetry (June 2018)