
Glitz girls in the spackle. Teen climbed
The boughed over stair. Stole lace to begin again
In darkness, a fingering salt. Print
Delighted the line to lined
Pink. Was doll-sized, weighted out. Was flat-reaped sigh
And dollar bin plaid. Fridays we stayed in
Till in coughed through with dry heat. Men
Grew approximate in their longing for something to mine.
Sippy cup of burn, acrylic camel, and melting kohl
Was a hiding past boyish. We shone with miraculous
Droll. Don’t try to kiss me, she was always saying. Older
Than a watch, the girl who pays starch to hush
Meat. Gargantuan between grown and still us,
I leave her orange street, my wanting ode

Source: Poetry (June 2019)