Lingam Logos

What’s Godhead—
now standing upright,
fecundity no less
I tell you more about.

Phases of the moon, you see:
an auspicious moment I’ve
come to believe in with
Shiva or some other deity.

What Greece from antiquity
bestowed upon us with an
outsider named Sikander—
Alexander the Great going

to the Indus Valley but not
ancient Rome, I presume to
know less about; then it’s
Parvati, consort of Shiva,

being on the diurnal stage
as I dwell on enlightenment—
fires burning and smoke
rising from the ground.

Sandalwood, the ghee of life
with avatars coming closer,
and I will recite mantras
when Shiva looks back at me

from the corner of his eye
as I pretend I am in some
other place like Rishikesh,
close to the Ganges, but

here by the Rideau River—
this North with celestial fires,
making promises to myself
from long ago.

Source: Poetry (July/August 2019)