
I’m sure as wetness
follows steam.
I’m sure as cold
that follows
follows steam.
I’m sure as sweat
that follows heat.
The bead
of sweat that
follows steam.
I’m sure as heat,
as surety.
The bleed
and heave of surety.


I’m in the midst
of sureness,
sure as bricks.
I’m sure as cold
that follows
wetness follows
mist. The blood
and heft of sureness,
sure as mud.
I’m sure as blood
that follows
wetness follows
sweat. As sure
as heat that follows
wetness follows wet.


I’m in the mist
of sureness,
sure as steam.
The hiss and scream
of sureness,
sure as mist.
I’m sure as blood
that follows
meat. I’m sure
as meat.
I’m in the heat
of surety. The bleat
and seethe of surety.
The mist
that follows certainty.

Source: Poetry (December 2019)