Hangul Abecedarian

Grandmother remedies & such, absent. So, in absentia, I blind-
Knead the knots in my own back. Pressure point in the palm

Doesn’t kill the pain, exactly, just distracts. Tugs the pain-
Line from temple to hand. Vaporub, too, works by pulling,

Mentholating open a passage; in a pinch, will even keep
Bedbugs away. So they claim. In place of old-country cures,

Search: tea tree warts / melatonin effective / yogurt for yeast
Infection. Rub the belly counter-clockwise. Whiskey or

Gin away fever, my grandmother didn’t say. My mother
Checks vitals, orders 50cc of ________. Pops two

Capsules of Motrin onto my tongue. Search: castor oil /
Tylenol possible to overdose / magnesium weird dreams /

Possible to eat too much garlic. Return: every remedy
Has a side effect. Every side effect points to a hole.

Source: Poetry (December 2019)