In the famous American art gallery

In the famous American art gallery, they are looking at Starry Night.
In the famous American art gallery, I am looking at them.

What do we see in painting and audience? The same blue whorls of light, the same blue light that spins the galaxy, the same registrations.

In the famous American art gallery, I understand the power of myth. They speak of ears and the postal service.

other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other / other

In the famous American art gallery, the starry night is consumed.
In the famous American art gallery, the cell phones offer knives to Van Gogh, offer to finish the job.

Somewhere in the famous American art gallery, my wife is feeding our daughter.
Next to me in the famous American art gallery, Zee is watching me watch them.

In the famous American art gallery, I detect neither empire nor falling empire,
                                                            love nor love’s end,
                                                            my fellow ill or good American teeth.

In the famous American art gallery, I see yet another archive of the sad and angry consolations

Source: Poetry (April 2020)