With Wayward Motion
The wind parted me.
Wind from nowhere.
It did not get up
from its snoring carriage
or offer me a bottled
sense of the near future.
It did not cry
so much as moan
into the mouth of a
passing monument.
There goes my self
with invisible scissors
narrowing my loves,
dusting the pollen
off spring like another
previous opportunity.
We argued about what
could be unconditional.
We forgot to pay.
We forgot to die
was also our only chance
to be infinitive
in real time. One of us
loved the other like
an instrument that
would not ever again
be played
though it was perfectly
strung and oiled.
Mother love came up
and of course children
but what about their
scrotums and egg sacs,
could we already adore
those in extremis?
The wind was all over
my face reminding me
of my other affairs:
The impermissible.
The impermanent.
The sex between all
who already possessed
themselves and were
satisfied, not by me.
Source: Poetry (June 2020)