And the Exhibition Will Be Closed by Madge Wildfire
By Edwin Morgan
The Duchess of Gloucester will open
hae ye ever been in Bedlam hinny
the Sir Walter Scott Bicentenary Exhibition
are ye no fair deaved wi the skirling
in Parliament House Edinburgh on August 15
I never laughed sae muckle afore
Sir Walter’s descendants
I’ll rive every dud aff their backs
Mrs Patricia Maxwell-Scott of Abbotsford
I hae been burning bricks in Egypt
and Miss Jean Maxwell-Scott a lady-in-waiting
see the big black loof o the Deil
to the Duchess of Gloucester will attend the ceremony
he’ll scour a het peat doon their throats
The Earl of Crawford
maukins and muir-poots
president of the planning committee
deil pike the carle’s banes
will occupy the chair
cast the lairds to bushes and whins
Also present will be the Duke of Atholl
he’ll mak unco wark o the bleeze
accompanied by his own regiment
tak up a torch wi me hinny
of Atholl Highlanders
and ding doon the roost like Apollyon
This poem is part of a portfolio of work by Edwin Morgan, introduced by James McGonigal, and by the three winners of the Edwin Morgan Poetry Award: Penny Boxall, Niall Campbell, and Roseanne Watt.
Source: Poetry (July/August 2020)