Bruce Banner #3

I never missed that $60,
I could spend it easily.
I can take the stairs,
I have fingers and can use buttons.
Before lightning there should be thunder
and if there’s not, it’s still ok.

It was 2 p.m. and I saw a crane standing in a creek.
It was 3:40 and I saw an owl staring at me.
I rode my bike for 5 hours as I watched a sundial.
When I was fishing
I told every fish sorry,
kissed them on the mouth
and threw them all back.

Think about this:
everything I experience
popped out of my head.

In the afterlife I hope
all of my pets are there.
There is no wrong way to mourn
we’re drinking the same water as the dinosaurs.

I’m a superhero,
a green man
who gets angry,
runs through peoples lives
and destroys everything they own,
insurance doesn’t cover acts of god.

Source: Poetry (April 2021)