in another string of the multiverse, perhaps


i am sitting in sunday school
in a handsewn pink dress and white lace tights

i am putting my hand down when we
learn about david and jonathan

i am not asking if  king david was bi
i am taking communion

i am bowing my head in the pew
so the stained glass burns

a rainbow into my back
and not my face


i am adopted into a family
with two dads who sing praises

of rupaul and gaga
so i don’t think twice when

i am lying on the floor in her treehouse
on a sunday morning and she

is holding my hands between hers as if
in gentle prayer


i am sneaking away
from church camp

to skinny-dip or
play suck and blow

with five stranger-friends
who are sleeping on the beach

and the fireflies flutter
in my chest when the paper falls first

between her and i
and then later them


i am screaming as my mother
watches them take me away

her sandbag silence
will haunt me in other lives

lives where i am not restrained
in a glass box as the elders

of the church pour holy water over
my face to drown the devil in me

while i choke and splutter
but i love her—i love her


i am straight as my teeth or
a church pew and my mother doesn’t hate me

Source: Poetry (June 2021)