The Zero Country

In pursuit of  the fugitive     I have become him
summer and the weather its own arrogance
Light is the softest government until it isn’t
Summer and the weather its own arrogance
light is the softest government until it isn’t
I’m looking for the plantation     I’m looking
Light is the softest government until it isn’t
I’m looking for the plantation     I’m looking
for the skull-chorus     All I find is tender heads
I’m looking  for the plantation     I’m looking
for the skull-chorus     All I find is tender heads
of cotton     the grammar of amnesia is a season
for the skull-chorus     All I find is tender heads
of cotton     the grammar of amnesia is a season
a recursion     a withering of maps    I dust the air a rumor
of cotton     the grammar of amnesia is a season
a recursion     a withering of maps     I dust the air a rumor
unforgivable heat     My father asks if I am the last
a recursion     a withering of maps     I dust the air a rumor
unforgivable heat     My father asks if  I am the last
Randall     Imagine your whole lineage unspooled by a moan
unforgivable heat     My father asks if  I am the last
Randall     Imagine your whole lineage unspooled by a moan
on the soil     Inside me the boy’s eyeless head crowns and uncrowns
Randall     Imagine your whole lineage unspooled by a moan
on the soil     Inside me the boy’s eyeless head     crowns and uncrowns
We don’t make children     we make a summer     I find myself the end of kings
on the soil    Inside me the boy’s eyeless head    crowns and uncrowns
We don’t make children we make a summer     I find myself the end of  kings
When I meant to say on the soil where my great grandfather convinced his captors
We don’t make children we make a summer     I find myself  the end of  kings
When I meant to say on the soil where my great grandfather convinced his captors
He was just like them    Recursion     I feel most colored when I sound white on the phone
When I meant to say on the soil where my great grandfather convinced his captors
He was just like them    Recursion    I feel most colored when I sound white on the phone
I flex my  jaw to silence    O fugitive, my fugitive    how endless    the field

I flex my jaw to silence     O fugitive, my fugitive     how endless     the field
This is the Zero Country and we call it that so long as it pleases the whites
of our teeth     The trees chatter the unanswerable     I want to pierce
This is the Zero Country and we call it that so long as it pleases the whites
of our teeth     The trees chatter the unanswerable     I want to pierce
the escape on a map like a boy     I want to blade     I want to know the where
of our teeth     The trees chatter the unanswerable     I want to pierce
the escape on a map like a boy     I want to blade     I want to know the where
so I know what to burn when the war becomes undeniable
the escape on a map like a boy     I want to blade     I want to know the where
so I know what to burn when the war becomes undeniable
pry the blonde teeth of August from the field and all the leaves crisp
so I know what to burn when the war becomes undeniable
pry the blonde teeth of August from the field and all the leaves crisp
to a pandemic of wings     Tar and feather     Call it history if you must
pry the blonde teeth of August from the field and all the leaves crisp
to a pandemic of wings     Tar and Feather     Call it history if you must
All I know is that from each torment     I make a bird     I shuck my name
to a pandemic of wings     Tar and Feather     Call it history if you must
All I know is that from each torment     I make a bird     I shuck my name
from the terrible song they make     and this is how I know
All I know     is that from each torment     I make a bird     I shuck my name
from the terrible song they make     and this is how I know
You gild a field with its silences     you gild a boy the same way
from the terrible song they make     and this is how I know
you gild a field with its silences     you gild a boy the same way
I don’t answer my father     I have tried to be the last before
you gild a field with its silences     you gild a boy the same way
I don’t answer my father     I have tried to be the last before
Failure has kept me alive     each morning I count the miles between
I don’t answer my father     I have tried to be the last before
Failure has kept me alive     so each morning I count the miles between
this bastard species of mercy and myself     All the weapon of memory
Failure has kept me alive so each morning I count the miles between
this bastard species of mercy and myself     All the weapon of memory
and still this triptych     A mutual captivity     is still a citizenship

And still this triptych     A mutual captivity     is still a citizenship
The criteria for sainthood is death     If the fire couldn’t unmake
anything but the language     I reserve my allegiance for a more muscular song
The criteria for sainthood is death     If the fire couldn’t unmake
anything but the language     I reserve my allegiance for a more muscular song
Dregs of hurricane against the Mississippi sky     The hounds bay accordingly
anything but the language     I reserve my allegiance for a more muscular song
Dregs of hurricane against the Mississippi sky     The hounds bay accordingly
I have a talent for making fugitives out of anything     I howl a bloom
Dregs of hurricane against the Mississippi sky     the hounds bay accordingly
I have a talent for making fugitives out of anything     I howl a bloom
of magnolias     Marooned as I am in this never-winter     I laugh
I have a talent for making fugitives out of anything     I howl a bloom
of magnolias     Marooned as I am in this never-winter     I laugh
into an amnesia of trees     After all     there are so many ways to die
of magnolias     Marooned as I am in this never-winter     I laugh
into an amnesia of trees     After all     there are so many ways to die
but I stick to Dick & Bullets     Subversion makes a petty weapon
into an amnesia of trees     After all     there are so many ways to die
but I stick to Dick & Bullets     Subversion makes a petty weapon
O great grandfather     what is the function of mercy?
I stick to Dick & Bullets     Subversion makes a petty weapon
O great grandfather     what is the function of mercy?
I am amongst the children of your captors and nobody remembers
O great grandfather     what is the function of mercy?
I am amongst the children of your captors and nobody remembers
that they gave you 24 hours     Sure     I’m the child of an escape
I am amongst the children of your captors and nobody remembers
that they gave you 24 hours     Sure     I’m the child of an escape
but I’m also the child of my own hands     Something tried to end us here
that they gave you 24 hours     Sure I’m the child of an escape
but I’m also the child of my own hands     Something tried to end us here
and in pursuit of the fugitive I have become him
but I’m also the child of my own hands     Something tried to end us here
and in pursuit of the fugitive     I have become him
Patiently     I watch the magnolia petals fall     pinked by blood or summer
Source: Poetry (December 2021)