The Canonization

davis islands florida 2020

no man convinced he was going to die
    on an island would on an island live
unless he wanted to die
    on that island & i did

talk about an end rhyme
    but my life’s a poem my death’s
been writing for a long time

& death abhors a well-wrought urn
i’m done

& they will burn me where i fall
    the aspen clapping ashes
against the sky’s blue wall
    & they can burn these verses
too send us all to naught

let them revel in the smoke
    let death upon my life
& life’s work choke

i’m done
i leave death to work what urn

it will

my father was a sack
of ash my mother kept
    on a windowsill for years after he passed
    it didn’t seem to cause him much distress
        i left him on the island
    when i left

Source: Poetry (March 2022)