From “Cantares Mexicanos”

By Unknown
Translated By Edgar Garcia

Central Mexico, mid-1500s CE


Jade shot with sun, encrusted in feathers—
Green I suppose; who knows
But those old geezers,
             Tails battered by ancient weather.

I gather the petals from wind-torn water—
Is it not a fitting flow?
The teeth have it on loan, I vow,
I’ll pay for it tomorrow;
             I’m still more than a promiser.

Better still: watch the tassels twirl,
Hear the eddies purl, and let me speak for once.

I’m still more than a promise-maker.
Goddamn the jade in the morning.
Like a flower aflame, the bells whistle my name,
              And I sure do feel awful.

But now let skirts curl and sunrays unfurl
As the night flames up all around us.
Let it be like a gentle rain of flowers wet,
              Softened by so many cigarettes.

Better still: pour me another glass.
Translated from the Nahuatl-language, below

Nicchalchiutonameyopetlahuaya nictzinitzcanihuicaloaya niquilnamiquia nelhuayocuicatla nicçaquanhuipanaya yectli yan cuicatl nicuicani nicchalchiuhtlaçonenelo ic nichualnextia in xochicueponallotl ic nic elelquixtia in tloque in nahuaque.
Çaquantlaçoihuiticaya tzinitzcan tlauhquechol ic nicyaymatia nocuicatzin; teocuitlatzitzilin i nocuic nitozmiahuatototl nocuica cahuantimania nic ehueya xochitzetzelolpa ixpan in tloque nahuaque.
Qualli cuicanelhuayotlo, teocuitlaquiquizcopa nic ehuaya ilhc cuicatlo nictenquixtia nitozmiahuatototl, chalchiuhtonameyotica niccueponaltia yectli yan cuicatlo nic ehuaya xochitlenamaquilizticaya ic nitlaahuialia nicuicani ixpan in tloque nahuaque.
Teoquecholme nechnananquilia in nicuicani coyolihcahuacaya yectli ya cuicatlan, cozcapetlaticaya chachalchiuhquetzalitztonameyo xopaleuhtimania xopanxochicuicatl onilhuicaahuiaxtimanio xochitlenamactli onmilintimani onayauhtonameyotimanio, xochiahuachtitlan nihualcuicaya nicuicani etc.
Nictlapalihmatia nicxoxochineloaya yectli yan cuicatlan cozcapetlaticaya ett.
Nocontimaloaya nocontlamachtiao xochiteyolquima cuicatla poyomapoctli ic ye auian ye noyollo, nihualyolcuecuechahuaya nic ihnecuia ahuiacaxocomiqui in noyolia nic yhnecuia yectli ya xochitla netlamachtiloyan xochiyeihuinti noyolia.
Source: Poetry (May 2022)