Bwana Muyaka said
Translated By Alex de Voogt
I have this one little question that is bothering me deeply.
At one time when I was sleeping, elders warned me in a dream.
I woke up startled and disturbed, just squeezing and blinking my eyes.
Then they asked if eating turtle is either halal or haram.
But I could not find an answer. I was afraid to get it wrong.
Open up the books before you, all you dedicated scholars.
Provide me with a decent answer. One that directs me what to do.
Let it tell whether this turtle is either halal or haram.
I am all too familiar with what is going on with you.
I have been told repeatedly. A lion’s sleeping in the bush.
Like a bird of prey, he snatches someone’s meat and eats the gut
as the gizzard and the liver are parts a lion likes so much.
Translated from the Swahili, below

Read the note on this poem by Alex de Voogt.
Source: Poetry (May 2022)