Sol Varp Sunnan

By Unknown
Translated By Marie-Louise Eyres
Sun from the south, Moon’s companion
cast her right hand over the sky’s rim.

Sun did not see who labored in her shade,
a gardener who had no heights to scale.

Sun did not know where she had a home,
yet the gardener’s hands found certainty in soil.

Stars did not know where they belonged,
while the gardener’s boots left prints in softened ground.

And as the gardener’s work broached heaven’s margin,
Moon did not know what strength she held.
Translated from the Old Norse, below

Sol varp sunnan,
sinni måna,
hendi inni hægri
um himin-jodyr.

Sol fat nje vissi,
hvar hon sali åtti,
stjornur fat nje vissu,
hvar fær stadi åttu,
mani fat nje vissi,
hvat hann megins åtti.

The original text is from the Voluspa

Read the note on this poem by Marie-Louise Eyres.

Source: Poetry (May 2022)