Sylvester’s Dying Bed

I woke up this mornin’   
’Bout half-past three.   
All the womens in town   
Was gathered round me.

Sweet gals was a-moanin’,   
“Sylvester’s gonna die!”
And a hundred pretty mamas   
Bowed their heads to cry.

I woke up little later
’Bout half-past fo’,
The doctor ‘n’ undertaker’s   
Both at ma do’.

Black gals was a-beggin’,
“You can’t leave us here!”   
Brown-skins cryin’, “Daddy!   
Honey! Baby! Don’t go, dear!”

But I felt ma time’s a-comin’,   
And I know’d I’s dyin’ fast.
I seed the River Jerden
A-creepin’ muddy past—
But I’s still Sweet Papa ’Vester,   
Yes, sir! Long as life do last!

So I hollers, “Com’ere, babies,   
Fo’ to love yo’ daddy right!”
And I reaches up to hug ’em—
When the Lawd put out the light.

Then everything was darkness   
In a great ... big ... night.

Copyright Credit: Langston Hughes, "Sylvester's Dying Bed" from The Collected Works of Langston Hughes. Copyright © 2002 by Langston Hughes. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates, Inc.
Source: Poetry (October 1931)