from Fearful Symmetry

Muzzle and jowl and beastly brow,
bilious glaring eyes, tufted ears,
recidivous criminality in the slouch,
—This is not the latest absconding bankrupt
but a ‘beautiful’ tiger imported at great expense from   
Kuala Lumpur.

7 photographers, 4 black-and-white artists and an R.A.   
are taking his profitable likeness;   
28 reporters and an essayist
are writing him up.
Sundry ladies think he is a darling   
especially at mealtimes, observing
that a firm near the docks advertises replicas
fullgrown on approval for easy cash payments.

♂Felis Tigris (Straits Settlements) (Bobo) takes exercise   
up and down his cage before feeding
in a stench of excrements of great cats
indifferent to beauty or brutality.
He is said to have eaten several persons
but of course you can never be quite sure of these things.

Copyright Credit: Basil Bunting, “13. Fearful Symmetry” from Complete Poems, edited by Richard Caddel. Reprinted with the permission of Bloodaxe Books Ltd.,
Source: Poetry (February 1932)