
Or Oreo, or
worse. Or ordinary.
Or your choice   
of category


or any color   
other than Colored
or Colored Only.
Or “Of Color”

or theory or discourse
or oral territory.
Oregon or Georgia
or Florida Zora


or born poor   
or Corporate. Or Moor.
Or a Noir Orpheus
or Senghor


or a horrendous   
and tore-up journey.
Or performance. Or allegory’s armor
of ignorant comfort


or reform or a sore chorus.
Or Electoral Corruption
or important ports
of Yoruba or worry


or fear of . . .
of terror or border.
Or all organized

Copyright Credit: Thomas Sayers Ellis, "Or" from . Copyright © by Thomas Sayers Ellis. Reprinted by permission of Poetry magazine.
Source: Poetry (October 2006)