Runic Signature for Cynewulf’s “Fates of the Apostles”

You who please      your keenness with poems,
read closely here:      can you discover
this verse’s framer?       finishes.
Nobles enjoy it on earth,      but not without end,
worldly ones.      Rune: Winning must fail  
Rune: Us in our strongholds      once our bodies scatter
their loaned treasure,      like  trickling through fingers.
Then Rune: Candle and ear      require Rune: Skill skill
in night’s narrow cell;      Rune: Need drives your craft,
a kingly servitude.      Now can you see
who shrewd words have      shown to men?
             Remember my name,      O you who admire
the sound of this song;      help succor me
and pray for my comfort.      Soon I must pass
alone, away      to look for a dwelling,
must travel so far      (no telling where!)
beyond this world      to a yet-unknown
place in the earth.      So must each person,
unless he is granted      God-sent grace.
            Let us call to God      again, more eager,
begging his blessing      in this bright creation:
may we be welcomed      to his warm halls,
his home on high.      There is holiest happiness,
there the king of angels      crowns the pure
with a perishless prize.      Now his praise endures
masterful and marvelous,      and his might extends
endless and ageless      over all creation.      finit.
Key to runes used in poem text

Source: Poetry (June 2011)