Urban Warming

Stoned by no Rosetta,
merchants allowed through the fence
learn to misspeak “black speak,”

in Edgar’s harbor village,
at HipHop Fish & Chicken
on Route number 4 × 10.

“Baby Girl” becomes XX.
“My Man” assumes all XY.

For salt & pepper curls,
& baby stroller crowds,
their broadcast is the same:

“Baby Girl, your diabetes
is ready.” “Main Man, your
stroke order is up.”

They know their audience:
french fried lives, french fried
luck, french fried us.

They know corner markets
of cornered markets, seldom
scale the wall. Their shit

is always hot. Their shit is
always cheap. Their shit is

always landmark of poison
in pens, along with: windows
wearing boards, hubcaps

leaning curbs, the sound of
“bitch,” the sound of “mother-
fucker,” the sound of “niggah”

sounding off, projectile vomiting
from children’s lips — our hush
puppy young, made beasts

behind these bars. Some days
you will see them, dirt bike
knights, riding Edmondson

Avenue, armor-less. They are
wheelies, jousting against traffic,
wheelies, jousting against stop-

lights, gas tanks bleeding out
on stretchers, as sirens serenade,
metal flies hover. There are

skeletons of chickens scattered on
the ground. There are meeting bones
of children fractured in the street,

cordoned off.

This is urban warming. This is
underwear in exhibition, pants
saddened to sag, hanging off ass

cracks, like wet clothes on a line.
This is the ecology of locks, since
our country is locks, since our

color is locks, since this block is
locked. When your order is up,
you will eat anything tossed inside

the cage.

Source: Poetry (January 2016)