Forget the Stars

Focus on the taxidermied light,
the quarked vehemence of splayed negation,
to rags, your britches, seeping glib intent,
sight catastrophic, given to seizures.
The curlicue scent has not the mother in it.
The fall of romance, the hold of the tender new,
programs aloft, every nerve to shudder:
ghosting monitions of the incomplete.
Either will the aching swells, apart from bliss.
Coordinates of favor, hip neath fiber strip follicle
sheath of slip chord parent display. Sensitized gift wagon
fern entrenched, the halo of the nation is the caul-throated
blood of hench, rosella’d to the peak of taxonomied childless.
Where your mottled hologram, the feathered monster of the throttled.
Quizzical with the world, am to console, the hope for saplings
edifice disjunction. The dissociated fanfare of motivated loss
entrees the ingredient of dining undertaken. Your teeth the grinder,
your lips the sensitive house. The beds’ laments’ the reindeers’
horses’ dreams’ in halves’ cameo’d sighs.