From “Anagrams” [xxx]




The show remains, unshot. Adah rants. Cain bares his teeth. Starvation: a state without border. World without means. Haha. Who’d have thought. Total inter- regnum. Theogony. Thrombotic idea. (Debt flogs verb.) A retro daydream: I hid under the hollyhock. The prohibition-era nut cuffed me. Shoddy fate, old horse. To genuflect? Ohhhhhhhhh no ... Vulture count: Then. Then. Then. Then.

Noon throbbed resplendently.

Baby ... I ... tried ... to ... make ... the ... word ...

I reached for her.



This poem is part of a larger sequence. You can read the rest in the June 2016 issue of Poetry.