
There’s wondering, idle thoughts,
thinking over what was last said,
some poetry in my head
like traffic outside the window.
In my forgetful marrow, I consider
often lying words, like everything and all.
Nothing is another matter.
Nothing comes of everything and all.
Something comes of nothing.
I know the word no means no,
yes, yes, except when they mean each other.
There’s water, which means water,
dishwater, that may mean worthless.
It’s often better
to say worthless when you mean it.
I’ve come to meaning, that can mean
reason for or reason to live,
words I might say outright
without first saying meaning.
Then there is a mean man.
How did mean come to have two meanings?
Take a dictionary of homonyms
and tell me how words got to sound alike
with different meanings and spellings,
a Sea of  Words
which is a Chinese dictionary.
Language has its ways,
its altitude and latitude ...    
Stanley, baby, quit jerking on and off.
I’m simply talking to myself.
I am more familiar with the dark night
and bright day of the body
than the dark night of the soul.
Light has an exaggerated reputation.
Goethe’s last words were, “Mehr Licht!
Faust was dragged off to hell
when he was content.
Goethe preferred discontent, which needed light.
The seed is contained discontent.