Douglas Field

Headshot of poet Douglas Field
Photo courtesy of the poet

Douglas Field lectures in 20th-century American literature at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He is the author of two books on James Baldwin; the most recent is All Those Strangers: The Art and Lives of James Baldwin (Oxford UP, 2015). He is the editor of books on American Cold War culture, James Baldwin, and the film The Birth of a Nation. Field is the coeditor of the 50th anniversary edition of Jeff Nuttall's Bomb Culture (1968/2018, Strange Attractor Press) and the cofounding editor of the journal James Baldwin Review. He is the coeditor, with A. Robert Lee, of Harold Norse: Poet Maverick, Gay Laureate (Clemson and Liverpool UP, 2022). His articles have been published in journals that include the African American Review, English Literary History, the Guardian, and the Times Literary Supplement.