Ernest O. Ògúnyẹmí

Ernest O. Ògúnyẹmí (he/him/his) writes from Nigeria. His work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in AGNI, Joyland, Kenyon Review, Cincinnati Review, the minnesota review, Rust & Moth, Worcester Review, the South Carolina Review, Poetry Ireland Review, and elsewhere. In 2019, he curated The Fire That Is Dreamed Of: The Young African Poets Anthology (Agbowo), the first anthology of poems by teenage African poets in the continent and its diaspora. He was shortlisted for the 2022 Alpine Fellowship Poetry Prize and is the winner of the inaugural Miracle Monocle Award for Young Black Writers from the University of Louisville and the No Tokens Young Poets’ Prize 2020. In 2021, he taught poetry through the Nairobi Writing Academy. His debut chapbook, A Pocket of Genesis, was selected for publication by Variant Literature. Ògúnyẹmí is currently working toward a B.A. in History and International Studies at Lagos State University.