
Showing 1-20 of 626 articles
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    Dear Editors,Together with Calista McRae, I am currently coediting a volume of John Berryman’s literary correspondence. The book is under contract to Harvard University Press, for publication in ...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Myra Sklarew
    Dear Editor,I was amazed to find Robert Lax among your pages. It brought back a flood of memories. Robert was one of those remarkable students who gathered around Mark Van Doren. Robert Giroux, Thomas...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Andrew Early
    Dear Editor,I’ve been a reader of your fine magazine for many years, and I’m a poet myself. I take issue with the July/August edition for the commentary by Michael Robbins on the Norton anthology...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Elizabeth T. Gray Jr.
    Dear Editor,Michael Robbins’s review of Paul Hoover’s Postmodern American Poetry [“Ripostes,” July/August 2013] lays out, with concision and humor, my frustrations with the either/or frame articulated, illustrated...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By David R. Boyce
    Dear Editor,For the past while I have been leaving my copies of Poetry mostly unread, and planned on letting my subscription lapse.Then there was the May 2013 issue.On the back was a quote by Amiri Baraka....
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Elaine Edelman
    Dear Editor,I read the June issue of Poetry [“Landays”] straight through, sat looking out my window for a couple of hours, then got into bed and read it straight through again. The landays make me feel so ...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Christopher Dickey
    Dear Editor,Thank you, Joshua Mehigan, for your wonderful, and wonderfully honest, remembrance [“James Dickey,” July/August 2013]. You may be gratified to know that by 1996 my father was not drunk...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By David Charbonneau
    Dear Editor,No doubt the editors of Poetry felt that Amiri Baraka’s eminent position in African-American poetry and the Black Arts Movement gives him the authority to review an anthology that clearly positions...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Jacqueline Winter Thomas
    Dear Editor,I was delighted to find Sheila P. Donahue’s essay in the March issue [“Hayden Carruth”]. Carruth is, I think, one of the best, most diverse, and most undervalued contemporary American...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Amit Majmudar
    Dear Editor,Joshua Mehigan’s anatomy of dullness [“Make Make It New New,” March 2013] is pretty accurate, in its details; what it lacks is perspective. Maybe reading “thousands of pages of new, unpublished...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Timothy Nance
    Dear Editor,I just finished reading Joshua Mehigan’s essay and I find myself wondering what to do now that I’ve discovered that poetry is dead. I still seem to be enjoying poetry — does this mean...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Steven Michael Antieau
    Dear Editor,Perhaps there are unseen depths to the statement, “Don’t write about being white” [“What It Is,” by Reginald Dwayne Betts, March 2013]. As it stands, however, it looks like a remarkably...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Reginald Dwayne Betts
    There has been a huge uproar about the line “Don’t write about being white” and so very little about my quotation of Louis Simpson:Don’t believe the reviewer who wrote: “I am not sure it is possible...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Martha Treichler
    Dear Editor,Please tell Vanessa Place that only the gods use “do not” and “no more” [“No More,” March 2013]. Teachers use “do.” We should write the poems that come to us, even if we are old and, ...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By C.P. Mangel

    Dear Editor,

    When I read “Devotions” by Bruce Snider in this month’s issue [March 2013], my heart simply stopped. I am pressing this poem into the hands of my dearest friends.

  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Hillel Levin
    Dear Editor,What a wonderful piece about a poet I have always loved [“Philip Levine,” by Mark Levine, March 2013]; not just because I shared some of his cultural background but because I wanted to...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Mark Esrig
    Dear Editor,I, for one, am glad to read what Michael Robbins wrote about Swinburne in “Mimic Motion” [February 2013]. Not that I entirely agree with him. Robbins’s point of view is for the most part...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Sherry Horowitz
    Dear Editor, It is true, as Ilya Kaminsky says [“Of Strangeness That Wakes Us,” January 2013], that wrecking language wakes us, but we cannot be satisfied with this as a means to an end. Poetry is...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Thomas Defreitas
    Dear Editor,Oh, where to begin? When Michael Robbins has written lines that sportswriters can quote a half-century after his death (“the Red Sox are not going gentle into that good night”), then ...
  • Letter from Poetry Magazine

    By Tim McGrath
    Dear Editor,Regarding Michael Robbins’s dismissal of Dylan Thomas [“The Child That Sucketh Long,” January 2013]: Thomas was a very careless poet, except when he was a great one. Careless because ...

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