

Showing 1-20 of 133 results
  • Poem
    By Leah Naomi Green
    Take all summer,
    your ember from the sun,
    its walking meditation. Store it in small
    vaults of light to …
  • Audio
    Poetry Off the Shelf
    Camille Dungy on her garden, writing from the provinces, and the poetry of Anne Spencer. 
  • Poem
    By Natasha Rao
    lusting and unafraid. In this bipedal incarnation
    I have always been scared of my own ripening,
    mother standing outside the fitting room door.
    I only become bright after Bloody Mary’s, only whole
    in New Jersey summers where beefsteaks, like baubles,
    sag in the yard, where...
  • Poem
    By Osip Mandelstam
    Translated By Peter France
    Too black, too much indulged, living in clover,
    all little withers, all air, all charity,
    all crumbling, all massing in a choir—
    damp clods of soil, my land and liberty...

    With early plowing it is black to blueness,
    and unarmed labor here is glorified—
    a thousand...
  • Poem
    By Jesús Papoleto Meléndez
    If some nice person
    Were to be walking by the front of my house
    and would pick a flower from the breasts
    of my small garden,
    I would notice every single one that would be missing.
    I would be able to notice their long necks...
  • Poem


    The Pardoning Hour

    By Khaty Xiong
         Here at my parents’ farm
    trumpeting bees scoring in the ears
         of all flowerkind
                chilies and kabocha
          3,400 searing stakes
    of  Indian bitter melon
    Nkauj Hnub in her hot prison
  • Poem


    Rogue Corn

    By Nikki Wallschlaeger
    My fav event as harvest season approaches
    is the rough seed that escaped the plots.

    If  there’s a cornfield adjacent to another bed
    of   vegetables, you can count on imperfection,

    you can see stalks standing where they’re
    not supposed to be, the winds have ideas,

  • Poem


    Lockdown Garden

    By Arvind Krishna Mehrotra

    Close to each other,
    socially undistanced,
    the mulberry leaves,

    uniformly green,
    shall turn brown together.
    It’s like a herd dying.


    Firm to begin with,
    the mud clod
    could’ve injured you.
    It crumbles in your hand.


    In the heap of  dead
    leaves crinkly as
    brown skins, those
    breathing things
    foraging around
    the bamboo stand
    are  jungle babblers.


  • Poem


    The Artichoke

    By James McMichael
    The Artichoke

    She bore only the heart,
    Worked at the stem with her
    Fingers, pulling it to her,
    And into her, like a cord.

    She would sustain him,
    Would cover his heart.
    The hairy needles
    And the bigger leaves,

    These she licked into shape,
    Tipping each with its point.
    He is...
  • Poem
    By Marion McCready
    A Mardi Gras of primroses line my driveway.
    Pin-eyed, thrum-eyed, natural selection in action;

    the carnival of primroses grow in number daily.
    Every spring they perform street theater, they perform

    the Easter story with beads, feathers, and leather tongues.
    Yellow vests, they agitate against the...
  • Poem
    By Sylvia Legris

    part 1. uprooted the early sky

     Luminous flowers and luminous insects. Fire lilies and fireflies. Heat confined on the Earth by the Air. Evening star in the low west. Northern flickers, starlings, phosphorus and August.

    Perseids seed the 3b hardiness zone. A...
  • Poem
    By Alyse Knorr
    Between us bobs the baby, solemn in her infant wet suit.
    The pool is the only place where
                  screaming does not indicate terror.

    The neighbor’s pansy beds—O to lie down in those beds
    and doze. Greener than grass, says Sappho,
                  originator of envy.

  • Poem
    By Carolyn Guinzio
    Neighbor, your mower
    cast dust over the edge
    where the field meets
    the field, toy-sized ring-
    necked snakes halved
    and flattened by blades
    among blades, and now
    our things are mingled.
    What do you covet
    that is mine? Chigger-
    riddled passion
    blooms, a glint
    of beetles loitering
    under their anther eaves,
    a car idling...
  • Poem



    By Susan Stewart
    Who are you? Where are you hiding?

    Were you thrown,

                 tumbling through space,


                              radiant, only

  • Poem
    By John Kinsella
    Pollination against the seed to grow canopy
    and mark place in shades of green—dry here to reflect
    in glassine quartz chips in the off-red dirt where trees tree
    as the forest is difference there green-inflected light you nurtured far
    where volcanic would give name...
  • Poem


    The Definitions

    By Fanny Howe
    Monostich: a long sentence
    Sternum: a little chest
    Heart: upside down

    Location of the unconscious:
    Empty window seat

    Horizon: gone at night
    Thought: given
    Prison: a perversion

    Our earth can’t live without holy rites.
    You can see this from the sky.

    Lots of hills to climb up and down.
    A straight...
  • Poem
    By Sylvia Legris

     A pepper of  bees opens the pupils.
    An ensemble of aromatics
    Chorus aphrodisia, mariner’s root,
    bright sky and night star, heavenly
    rainbow. Amethyst, azure, blue
    flower-de-luce. Flowering ring.

    White archangelic the bee nettle,
    the dead nettle. A hide of nettle cloth,
    of finely-nerved sedge. Take heed
    the edges, the...

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