
Money & Economics

Showing 1-20 of 495 results
  • Poem

    poetry-magazineLay It Bare

    By Anders Carlson-Wee
    I know you’re hungry for it.
    More money. More news. Desperate

    for any laurel that parades you
    as happier…
  • Audio
    Poetry Off the Shelf
    Perry Janes on Hollywood, ego, and trying not to break his NDA.
  • Poem


    According to the Study

    By Erin Belieu
    The rich report greater levels of happiness,
                                              & the study goes on to demonstrate
    how we humans use money to save...
  • Poem
    By Adam O. Davis
    If a house is haunted like a radio
    is haunted         If a body is a radio
    of blood         If a body of ghosts
    hums like blood over a valley of
    bone         If blood is a...
  • Poem
    By Layli Long Soldier
    Here, the sentence will be respected.

    I will compose each sentence with care, by minding what the rules of writing dictate.

    For example, all sentences will begin with capital letters.

    Likewise, the history of the sentence will be honored by ending each one...
  • Poem
    By Maurya Simon
    Delirium in the downtown mall today:
          Burt Reynolds! All the henna-haired girls
                sneer, while their mothers, enthralled, say,

    “I saw you in this, I saw you in that–
          you were marvelous, simply...
  • Poem
    By Tracy K. Smith
    200 cows         more than 600 hilly acres

                property would have been even larger
    had J not sold 66 acres to DuPont for
                    waste from its Washington Works factory
    where J was employed        
  • Poem
    By ire’ne lara silva
    this is what they will not tell you
    and this is what you must know
    if you hear nothing else i say
    hear this
    you cannot live in fear
    you cannot heal in fear
    fear will never make you stronger

    fear is the language many doctors speak
  • Poem
    By Kimberly Jae
    If a jar of jelly is $2.98
    & a loaf of Hawaiian bread is $4
    Then how much bail money will I need when I kill everyone in my house
    for eating all the bread
    and jelly in 5 minutes?
    Black Momma Math
    If Black Momma...
  • Poem
    By CAConrad
    melting glaciers      
                           frighten me when      
    appearing on      
    my street as      
    a feeling I send      
  • Poem
    By Rachel Long
    I feel middle class when I'm in love.
    I think it's all the poached eggs on bird-seed bread,
    staying up all night on Zoopla—imagine
    waking under cottage beams,
    the laughter in a garden. Kids.
    A little boy with gold hair
    keeps standing in my dreams.

    I read...
  • Poem
    By Lorna Dee Cervantes
    We were so poor.
    The air was a quiver
    of thoughts we drew from

    to poise, unsaid
    in the ineffable
    world we lived in.

    Sun, scarcely a penny
    in that dreary setting,
    every night gave up

    to a smog-strewn avalanche
    of searchlights, crossing
    the heavens, a bicker

    to buy a new used...
  • Poem


    thieves in the temple

    By Destiny O. Birdsong
    After Donne

    exeunt my heart, evangelical god, for you
                are still frosted and feathered somewhere
    in the eighties, still fed with the fates of fetuses,
               “fairies,” and the virginities of fatherless girls.
    you inhabited...

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