Carol Jago

Carol Jago has taught English in middle and high school for over 30 years. She has served as president of the National Council of Teachers of English and as chair of the College Board’s English Academic Advisory committee.

Jago has authored several books on teaching, including With Rigor for All: Meeting Standards for Reading Literature and Cohesive Writing: Why Concept Is Not Enough, as well as books on contemporary multicultural authors for NCTE. She has been an education columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and her essays continue to appear in educational journals and online forums.

In 2015 Jago was awarded the International Literacy Association’s Adolescent Literacy Thought Leader Award, and in 2016, the NCTE’s Conference on English Leadership’s Exemplary Leadership Award. She has been named by the US Department of Education to serve on the National Assessment Governing Board. She is associate director of the California Reading and Literature Project at UCLA.