Meera Alagaraja

Meera Alagaraja (she/her) is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining Texas A&M in 2023, she served as an acting associate Dean for Innovation and Strategic Partnerships at the University of Louisville. She leads a project tracing the history of yoga in the Midwest and the subsequent diffusion of the practice and philosophy of yoga to other parts of the United States. Her research also focuses on well-being, strategic human resource development, and workforce development with a consistent social justice orientation and interest in supporting adults residing in low-resourced communities.
Alagaraja has received many grants for her research, and her work has been recognized with honors including the Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award from Human Resource Development Quarterly and the Monica M. Lee Research Excellence Award for the most outstanding article in each annual volume of Human Resource Development International. She served as associate editor of the Human Resource Development Review and serves on the editorial boards of Advances in Developing Human Resources and Human Resource Development International.