The Kindergarten Concert

The kindergarten concert was an interesting show.
Peter walked onto the stage and yelled, “I have to go!”
Katie was embarrassed, but she had nowhere to hide.
She raised her dress to hide her face. Her mother almost died.
Keith removed his tie and said, “It’s ugly, Dad. I hate it!”
David picked his nose on stage. What’s worse is that he ate it.
They sang their song, and Wyatt burped. Then he did a dance.
Michael fell while spinning ’round. Peter wet his pants.
The music teacher at the end said, “There, I’m glad that’s done.”
The kindergarten bowed and said, “Let’s sing another one!”

Copyright Credit: “The Kindergarten Concert.” © 2006 by Robert Pottle. Reprinted from the upcoming anthology My Teacher’s in Detention (© 2006 by Meadowbrook Creations) with permission from Meadowbrook Press.
Source: My Teacher's in Detention (Meadowbrook Press, 2006)