Rock Island Line

watchdog howling (all caved in
beyond the paletis my home
cold wind implacable driven
unaccounted sooth shawl of sorrow
unplanned unmapped swallow order
blunt trees mended like man
even our shadows belabored in light
commonplace rumbleshaken
alliterative portrait of a ploughman
struck down cattle thief
contrabandpig ironintermediate
between two states & cargo untold
undetected huckster amended airs
an untapped inventorycatholic
in the tall grasslaughingmask
chimerical goods for summer sink in

Copyright Credit: Richard Owens, “Rock Island Line” from Ballads. Copyright © 2012 by Richard Owens. Reprinted by permission of Habenicht Press.
Source: Ballads (Habenicht Press, 2012)