Richard Owens
Richard Owens is the author of several volumes of poetry, including No Class (2012), Ballads (2012) and Clutch (2012). His poetry has appeared in Cambridge Literary Review, Hi Zero, Poetry Wales, Shearsman and elsewhere; his critical comments and essays have appeared in Chicago Review, Colorado Review, Open Letter, Paideuma and Poetry Project Newsletter. Since 2005 Owens has edited Damn the Caesars, a journal of contemporary poetry and poetics, and Punch Press, an imprint featuring broadside, chapbook and book-length works by Francis Crot, Sean Bonney, Frances Kruk, Kent Johnson, Marianne Morris, Sotère Torregian and other poets. He posts comments on radical, activist, and Marxist poetries regularly at the blog Damn the Caesars, a critical supplement to the journal.