A Rainbow Sign

I just don't think that
this is what it's supposed to feel like,
shaking my big one to break the stream
and make a pool for moving my tools,
for they only weigh half as much
when moved under water.
I emerged in the morning, covered in blood and fine acid sand
and decided to remain partially submerged a little while longer.
Itching for more exercise,
and cooled not by water but by air,
I spent the afternoon collecting sea shells,
and found each one heavily carved
with the numbers of pretty village girls
offering to take tourists to the ultimate level.
A spring and summer service they offer.
I meant to call one, with a headline ready on my lips,
but a gull would dive down wheeling and screaming
each time I tried to dial.
One can fool the animals,
but must forgive this wild, beautiful country.

Copyright Credit: Ben Estes, "A Rainbow Sign" from Illustrated Games of Patience. Copyright © 2015 by Ben Estes. Reprinted by permission of The Song Cave.
Source: Illustrated Games of Patience (The Song Cave, 2015)