What Is To Be Done?

By James Atlas

The Oblivion Ha-Ha, by James Tate

By James Atlas

The Color of Dust, by Michael Anania

By James Atlas

Letter to an Imaginary Friend, Parts I & II, by Thomas McGrath

By James Atlas

Highway to the Sky, by Michael Brownstein

By James Atlas

Meat Air: Poems 1957-1969, by Ron Loewinsohn

By James Atlas

The Boy Changed into a Stag, by Ferenc Juhsz (Tr. by Kenneth McRobbie and Ilona Duczynska)

By James Atlas

The Twelve and Other Poems, by Alexander Blok (Tr. by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France)

By James Atlas

What Is To Be Done?

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry.

Source: Poetry (October 1971)

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