October 1971
- Geoffrey Grigson
- Daniel Hoffman
- Patricia Hooper
- Maxine Kumin
- Douglas Le Pan
From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Douglas Le Pan
- Howard Nemerov
- W. Moelwyn Merchant
- Maxine Kumin
- Daniel G. Hoffman
- Charles North
- Andrew Oerke
- Phoebe Pettingell
- Patricia Hooper
- John Unterecker
- Geoffrey Grigson
- Richard Howard
- F. D. Reeve
- James Atlas
- What Is To Be Done?
- The Oblivion Ha-Ha, by James Tate
- The Color of Dust, by Michael Anania
- Letter to an Imaginary Friend, Parts I & II, by Thomas McGrath
- Highway to the Sky, by Michael Brownstein
- Meat Air: Poems 1957-1969, by Ron Loewinsohn
- The Boy Changed into a Stag, by Ferenc Juhsz (Tr. by Kenneth McRobbie and Ilona Duczynska)
- The Twelve and Other Poems, by Alexander Blok (Tr. by Jon Stallworthy and Peter France)
- Charles North