
November 2018

  • Lucia Perillo
  • torrin a. greathouse
  • Shane McCrae
  • Martín Espada
  • Natalie Shapero
Table of Contents

From this Issue



Say This

I live a small life, barely bigger than a speck,
barely more than a blip on the radar sweep
though it is not nothing, as the garter snake
climbs the rock rose shrub and the squirrel creeps
on bramble thorns. Not nothing to the...
I hustle
I grasp.
I grind.
I control & panic. Poke
balloons in my chest,
always popping there,
always my thoughts thump,
thump. I snooze — wake & go
boom. All day, like this I short
my breath. I scroll & scroll.
I see what you wrote — I like.
I heart. My thumb, so...


On Confinement

I sit across the table from my partner
        in the atrium of the psychiatric holding facility

                our hands churched into our laps. We are not allowed
to touch. The air between...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March