White letters P O E T R Y in boxes are arranged in a grid format. Each box contains an illustration. Top boxes depict a natural landscape with a city in the distance. Middle boxes depict a cross section of land from its topsoil to layers of dirt below. Bo

July/August 2022

Land Acknowledgments; Cover Artist: Weshoyot Alvitre

This land is our becoming.

 Beth Piatote
  • Jake Skeets
  • Ariana Benson
  • Toni Giselle Stuart
  • Arthur Sze
  • Franklin K. R. Cline
Table of Contents

From this Issue

By Allison Akootchook Warden
before we bring this meeting to order
we want to acknowledge ourselves, the Kaktoviġmiut
yes, Siliun, this is how they are doing things nowadays
                  we are doing it right




By Manny Loley
Tóyisdzáán shimá dishníigo
Nahasdzáán shimá dishníigo
Ni’ bitł’ááhdęę hasísná
Nahasdzáán shimá bijéí
chahałheeł yee hadít’éego
biyidęę’ hasísná
Nitsáhákees bá hooghandęę’ hasísná
Saad bá hooghandęę’ hasísná
Hooghandi nán’sdzá
Hooghandi nán’sdzá




By Beth Piatote
I celebrate myself
And what I hereby cede you shall hereby cede,
For the country relinquished by me as good is relinquished by you

I loafe and convey to the United States
All the right, title and interest ... in my country, occupied and claimed,
I give...
Rectangle R3 March 1

Table of Contents

Square R3 March