June 1913
- Witter Bynner
- Francis Grierson
- Harriet Monroe
- John Reed
- William Carlos Williams
From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Rabindranath Tagore
- ("Over the green and yellow...")
- ("Keep me fully glad...")
- ("My soul is alight...")
- ("O you mad, you superbly drunk!...")
- ("Leave off your works, bride...")
- (“Come as you are...”)
- ("Sing the song of the moment..."
- ("Lest I should know you...")
- ("Amidst the rush and roar of life...")
- ("Tell me if this is all true...")
- ("I asked of Destiny...")
- ("With a glance of your eyes...")
- ("We both live in the same village...")
- ("I found a few old letters...")
- (“Keep me fully glad...”)
- Francis Thompson
- William Carlos Williams
- Harrison S. Morris
- Helen Cowles Le Cron
- Rollo Britten
- Frederic Manning
Comments and Reviews
- Harriet Monroe
- Francis Grierson
- John Reed
- Witter Bynner
- William Carlos Williams