From this Issue
Tell me,
Was Venus more beautiful
Than you are,
When she topped
The crinkled waves,
Drifting shoreward
On her plaited shell?
Was Botticelli’s vision
Fairer than mine;
And were the painted rosebuds
He tossed his lady
Of better worth
Than the words I blow about you
To cover your too great loveliness
As with...
Was Venus more beautiful
Than you are,
When she topped
The crinkled waves,
Drifting shoreward
On her plaited shell?
Was Botticelli’s vision
Fairer than mine;
And were the painted rosebuds
He tossed his lady
Of better worth
Than the words I blow about you
To cover your too great loveliness
As with...

Table of Contents
- Witter Bynner
- Amy Lowell
- Rita Benton
- E. Preston Dargan
- Charles Hanson Towne
- Rupert Brooke
- Ridgeley Torrence
- Padraic Colum
- Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
Comments and Reviews
- Harriet Monroe
- John Gould Fletcher
- Harriet Monroe
- Arrows in the Gale, by Arturo Giovannitti, Helen Keller
- Sonnets of a Portrait Painter, by Arthur Davison Ficke
- Children of Love, by Harold Monro
- Crack o' Dawn, by Fannie Stearns Davis
- Songs of the Outlands, Ballads of the Hoboes, and Other Verse, by Henry Herbert Knibbs
- Bread and Circuses, by Helen Parry Eden
- New Poems, by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Ed. by Frederick G. Kenyon)
- Ezra Pound
- Leroy Titus Weeks
- Waldo R. Browne
- Amy Lowell